Actor Ranvir Shorey has joined the cast of Nikkhil Advani’s upcoming dark comedy ‘Hasmukh’. The project is backed by Sameer Nair headed Applause Entertainment, the content studio from the Aditya Birla Group, along with Advani’s Emmay Entertainment. It will also feature comedian-actor Vir Das.
As per an IANS statement, Ranvir will be playing a character by the name Jimmy, whose role is currently a mystery.
The series promises to be a “perfect mix of a dark thriller and a laughter riot”. It has already gone on floor.
Vir Das had expressed his excitement about the show on Twitter.
“First day begins for ‘Hasmukh’. Thank you to the whole team for giving life, passion, and ‘killer’ creativity,” Vir wrote.
Check out his tweet here:
First day begins for #Hasmukh Thank you to @EmmayEntertain @TheWeirdass @ApplauseSocial @nikkhiladvani @nairsameer and the whole team for giving life, passion, and ‘killer’ creativity!
— Vir Das (@thevirdas) August 3, 2018
A post on the official Twitter handle of Emmay Entertainment also read: “A day of new beginnings. For our 12th production, ‘Hasmukh’, we venture into the web format! Directed by our dearest Nikhil Gonsalves and starring the brilliant duo of Vir Das and Ranvir Shorey, we’re excited for this one.”
A day of new beginnings. For our 12th production, #Hasmukh , we venture into the web format! Directed by our dearest @Nikgonsalves and starring the brilliant duo of @thevirdas and @RanvirShorey , we’re excited for this one!
— Emmay Entertainment (@EmmayEntertain) August 3, 2018
And we are equally excited to watch these two super funny people together. What about you?
Also Read: ‘Moh Maya Money’ movie review: Ranvir Shorey delivers a commendable act in this taut thriller