Recently, the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2017 came to an end, after two weeks of celebrations. The festival showcased around 60 films in 20 different languages, which were carefully selected that cater to diverse tastes and subjects. As we had reported earlier that filmmaker Alankrita Shrivastava’s ‘Lipstick Under My Burkha‘ was selected to open the festival. Similarly, the festival was closed with the screening of an Hindi film as well. It was actress Raveena Tandon’s recent release ‘Shab’.
The film earned rave reviews globally and Raveena Tandon’s performance was lauded by the audience. The screening was attended by Raveena Tandon along with the film’s director Onir and Mitu Bhowmick, Lange founder and curator of Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2017 and other dignitaries. (Also Read: Raveena Tandon had pushed me to write my own film, recalls Onir)
Apart from Raveena Tandon, the film starred newcomer Ashish Bisht, Sanjay Suri, Simon Frenay, Arpita Chatterjee amongst others.
‘Shab’ witnessed Raveena in a totally different role of a glamourous judge of pageants. Apart from this film, the actress was also seen in a film titled ‘Maatr’ where she played the role of a mother avenging the gang rape and death of her daughter.
Talking about the festival, Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2017 was kicked off on August 10.
On work front, Raveena will next be seen on the small screen, judging a reality show. The gorgeous actress will apparently be sharing space in the same with ex-flame and now a cordial acquaintance, Akshay Kumar, and it will be great to see them together after a long time. She currently does not have any movies with her.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.