After his debut film ‘Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon’, Kapil Sharma is all set with his upcoming Bollywood venture. Titled ‘Firangi’, the film reportedly will also feature Ishita Dutt. Actress Tamannaah Bhatia was also a part of the project, before she opted out citing date issues.
However, we now hear that the reason behind her moving out is something else altogether.
Also Read: Tamannaah Bhatia to reprise Kangana Ranaut’s part in the Tamil remake of ‘Queen’
So far in her Bollywood career, Tamannaah has mostly played supporting characters. It is recently that she has started receiving lead roles, including the blockbuster ‘Baahubali’ and the recent comedy flick ‘Tutak Tutak Tutiya’. Thus, she was not really interested in playing a parallel lead and Kapil’s film was offering her one. She found it a wiser option to back out.
Makes sense!
Tamannaah, on her professional front, has been shooting for ‘Baahubali: The Conclusion’, the much touted sequel of ‘Baahubali’. She will also be reprising Kangana Ranaut’s character in the Tamil remake of ‘Queen’.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.