The clash at the box office between Ajay Devgn‘s ‘Shivaay’ and Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ is inevitable now. Many would know that filmmaker Karan Johar considers actress Kajol (Ajay’s wife) as his lucky mascot, and that’s why she has always been a part of Karan’s movies, even in cameo. But recently, Ajay Devgn has stated that once besties don’t share the same equation today due to some personal issues.
While giving an interview to an agency, Ajay Devgn said, “I am not friends with him (Karan). Even Kajol’s equation is not as warm as it was. It is a personal issue…not due to any professional thing. It’s a personal hurtful feeling. It has nothing to do with the clash.”
Further, when asked about the reason for these differences between the friends, Ajay said, “I would not like to talk about it.”
Talking about Ajay Devgn’s ‘Shivaay’, Kajol has been handling some marketing responsibilities of this action thriller film.
Also Read: Ajay Devgn refuses to work with Pakistani artistes at the moment
“It’s her production house also. I am too occupied finishing the film. She is taken some responsibility and is handling other things. She is helping me in letting my pressure down,” added Ajay. [sic]
‘Shivaay’ stars debutante actresses Sayyeshaa Saigal and Erika Kaar. It is slated for a release on October 28, 2016 setting the clash with Karan Johar’s ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’.
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