After making a comeback opposite Shah Rukh Khan in ‘Dilwale’, actress Kajol is all set to start shooting for her next project which goes on floors next year. Directed by Anand Gandhi of ‘Ship of Theseus’ fame, this project will see the ‘Fanaa’ actress playing a single mother.
While talking about it to an agency, Kajol revealed, “He (Anand Gandhi) will not be directing the film, he has written it (story). We are still in the scripting stage, final scripting is going on. I am playing a single mother in this film. It’s a nice story and I am excited about this role.” [sic]
Anand Gandhi has also co-written the screenplay for the film which is one of his play’s big screen adaptation. The film is a home production project for Kajol as it is produced by her husband actor Ajay Devgn.
Also Read: Kajol reveals Ajay Devgn rarely compliments her
Further, Kajol has even stated that the film will start next year.
It would be quite interesting to see Kajol playing the role of a single mother on big screens after films like ‘My Name Is Khan’ and ‘We Are Family’ where she had played a similar kind of a character.
Let’s wait for more updates on it.
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