The first promo of ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal‘ will be out tomorrow. Unlike other films, there won’t be a prominently cut trailer. Instead, Shah Rukh Khan and team will release glimpses of the film – some special moments between Anushka and SRK – as pairs leading up to a song launch.
The first moment will be unveiled on Sunday. Till now, we only knew that Shah Rukh Khan plays a guide who falls in love with Anushka Sharma who plays a Gujarati girl, while on her Europe trip. How she loses a ring and they start looking for it and end up in love is what forms the remaining story. (Also read: No reward for Ranbir Kapoor, says Shah Rukh Khan on ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ title)
Do you know what Anushka’s profession in the film? She plays a lawyer. She has some of the funniest lines and her Gujarati accent is superb.
Directed by Imtiaz Ali, the film is slated to release on August 4, 2017.