After being together for close to a decade, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal finally celebrated their union with their loved ones earlier this month. The couple had a week long celebration across Delhi and Mumbai and the pictures from there have been winning hearts and getting viral on the internet. Adding to that collection, the newly married Richa Chadha shared some more inside pics from Ali Fazal and hers pre-wedding festivities and they are just all things love.
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In the new pictures, Richa is seen wearing a pink coloured embroidered lehenga and the actress looks like a vision in it. The open hair with it complements the whole look making her look something straight out of a fairytale. Her blouse is shaped like rose petals and looks just too beautiful. Whereas Ali looks dapper in his white kurta pajama. The couple picture that sees them with orchid garlands and them holding each other’s hands will just melt your hearts.
Check out the new pictures here:
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Along with the pictures, Richa wrote, “#Photodump from the most memorable, magical, crazy week of my life. with me. Felt beautiful in @rahulmishra_7 Have followed and loved him since Masaan promotions. Kind soul, going global with a gentle heart… TY for the art I wore. Scroll to see the lehenga in it’s full glory. Felt happy… This was the happiest day… happy that families met, danced, ate, hugged and laughed together. (sic)”.
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It was during the wedding celebrations that Richa and Ali’s spokesperson announced that the couple has been legally married for the last 2.5 years, and this was just their way to celebrate that union with their friends and family. Here’s wishing the adorable couple a lifetime of happiness and togetherness.
Also Read: Richa Chadha shares goofy moments with ‘baby boy’ Ali Fazal as she wishes him on his birthday-WATCH