Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, who is known for his versatility onscreen, is celebrating his birthday on September 4. The actor has gained an immense fan following all thanks to his charm and acting chops. Married to actress Neetu Singh, the couple are parents to son Ranbir Kapoor and daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni.
On the occasion of his birthday, the ‘Mulk’ actor’s daughter, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared a collage of family photos on her official Instagram handle.
Riddhima also shared an adorable throwback photo, in which she can be seen smiling with her daddy dear on a magazine cover with the hashtag ‘my daddy, my hero’.
On the work front, Rishi Kapoor was last seen in ‘Mulk’ with ‘Pink’ actress Taapsee Pannu. He will next be seen in ‘Rajma Chawal’ that is yet to get a release date.
Also Read: Happy Birthday Rishi Kapoor: Five times he bowled us over in his second innings