Bollywood’s actor Rishi Kapoor is quite an outspoken personality and he is known for expressing his opinions fearlessly on social media. The actor had hit the headlines a few days back when he was constantly tweeting about the after-effects of the Coronavirus lockdown. From sharing epic memes to updating his fans about his indoor activities, he has been sharing it all. The actor recently blasted a Twitter user when he posted a suggestion for the actor.
It all started with Rishi Kapoor’s tweet, which addressed the trolls and the people who don’t get his jokes. He posted a picture of his cryptic note, stating that he is going to block those people who joke, barb and comment on his lifestyle. Soon, a Twitterati commented on a suggestion for Rishi, where the user asked him to sometimes revert back to those who love him(probably, the user commented hinting that Rishi Kapoor mostly replies to the trollers). And thus, the actor blasted him saying not to interfere in his personal life. Take a look at the tweets, right below.
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) March 31, 2020
What about those who love you? Unn ko toh kuch jawab day dia karein kabhi ??
— Hassan Choudary (@hassanchoudary) March 31, 2020
Khabardaar mere personal life mein dakhal diya aur kuch galat bola!
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) March 31, 2020
Well, that was quite a heated conversation.
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Also Read: Shoojit Sircar gives a befitting reply to Rishi Kapoor’s ‘sexist joke’ on Coronavirus
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