Actor Sanjay Dutt has been controversy’s favourite child in Bollywood. Filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani‘s ‘Sanju’ based on the life of Sanjay Dutt showcased how the actor suffered because of his drugs addiction, his troubled relationships with his parents and girlfriends and his various run-ins with the law.
‘Sanju’ starring Ranbir Kapoor as Dutt went on to break several records at the box office and received good reviews from the critics as well as the audience all thanks to Ranbir’s terrific performance and Hirani’s story-telling skills. However, the makers also received criticism for portraying Sanjay Dutt as a victim, as the film only highlighted certain phases of Dutt’s life and leaving out important things like his three marriages, his first daughter Trishala and the kind of bond he shared with his sisters among various other incidents.
In a recent interview with Huffington Post, Ranbir Kapoor’s father Rishi Kapoor was asked about his views on ‘Sanju’ being partial, and the veteran actor reasoned out, “See, the films are like that. You see any TV, you see any American films, they are same in the beginning — that events and all have been dramatised to suit the purpose of making a film. I mean when you make a film, you can’t make a boring documentary out of it. You’ve to make an interesting film out of it. It’s up to the writer and the director to choose the bullet points of his autobiography and make it an interesting tape. After all like I told you films have lot of math in it, there’s a lot of money involved in it. We’re not making it close to anybody’s reality.”
“I feel these are parts of his life. Of course there are events which are left out. I think maybe Sanju didn’t want to do it or maybe the director didn’t want to do it. Two hours is too little time to cover the whole spectrum of anybody’s life. So you have to go through the bullet points of it.But they did show his battle with drugs, which is a learning curve for the younger generation, about how he got into drugs and how that messed his life, messed his relationships with girlfriends, his parents,” he added further.
Well, Rishi Kapoor, we agree that a two-hour film can’t show everything about someone’s life but then how can it conveniently divert from showcasing things which are also an integral part of the actor’s life?
Interestingly, even filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma is planning to make a biopic on Sanjay Dutt, so let’s see what all things he highlights in his film. Till then stay tuned for more such interesting updates.
Also Read: You will be surprised to know what Rishi Kapoor did to have Ranbir star in Rajkumar Hirani’s film
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