It was leggy lass Deepika Padukone‘s birthday yesterday and we witnessed birthday wishes galore on the social networking sites. Deepika, who has managed to become the ruling Queen of Bollywood by giving back to back superhits, has created a benchmark for herself in the industry. Just like she rules the box-office she is always in the news for something or the other and especially because of her controversial love life. All of us are aware of her love affair with Kapoor lad Ranbir Kapoor. Even though they had a rocking love story it met with a tragic ending. With this a war broke out between Padukone’s and Kapoor’s.
The famous episode of ‘Koffee With Karan’ wherein Deepika made some not-so-good comments on Ranbir Kapoor was one of the most newsmaking episodes of all time. Ranbir’s dad Rishi Kapoor was the one who was deeply pissed with DP over her comments on his son. Since, then nothing had been Rishi and Deepika had been on not-so-good terms. But well, it seems both of them have moved on and Rishi Kapoor wished her on her birthday. Though his wish a quirky one but he at least made an effort to wish her. He wished her on Twitter and said,
@deepikapadukone Read here that it’s your birthday.Well,a very joyous and a”Happy Birthday”God bless you and keep up the good work.Much love
— rishi kapoor (@chintskap) January 5, 2016
Rishi Kapoor had last made it to the headlines for almost the same reason. He received a lot of flak from the audience for wishing Twinkle Khanna in a weird manner. He had then posted,
Happy Birthday dear one! You were in your mums tummy when I was serenading her in Bobby”Aksar koi Ladka” In 1973 lol
— rishi kapoor (@chintskap) December 29, 2015
Well, okay then.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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