Yes, you heard it right! Bollywood veterans Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal will soon be turning ‘samdhis’. The actors who were last seen sharing screen space in the 1993 movie ‘Damini’, are all set to become family now. Before your imagination goes into an overdrive, let us just make it clear that the two will be coming together as ‘samdhis’ on screen and not in real life.
Yes, after 23 long years Rishi Kapoor and Paresh Rawal will be seen together in rom-com ‘Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi’. The duo, along with other cast recently wrapped up the shooting of this Gujarati-Punjabi roller coaster ride. The movie is a quirky and funny cross-culture take on the love story of a Punjabi boy, played by Vir Das, and a Gujarati girl, played by Payal Ghosh.
Rishi Kapoor plays Vir Das’s father and will be seen at his comic best in the role of a staunch Punjabi, while Paresh Rawal will tickle our funny bones by playing a strong Gujarati as the father of Payal Ghosh. Rishi and Paresh have upped the comedy quotient with their funny encounters.
The movie also stars Prem Chopra in a pivotal role. Directed by Sanjay Chhel and produced by Bharat Patel the film will release by November end.