Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor, who has been undergoing treatment in New York since September last year, will soon be back in India. Taking to Instagram, wife Neetu Kapoor shared a picture of the couple along with Rishi Kapoor’s sister Rima Jain, Ritu Nanda and niece Nitasha Nanda.
In the picture, Rishi Kapoor is seen standing between his sister Rima Jain and Ritu Nanda and posing happily for the photo. The latest picture has been liked by Ranbir Kapoor’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and several Bollywood celebrities including Abhishek Bachchan, Parineeti Chopra and others.
In her latest post, Neetu Kapoor (while bidding adieu to Rishi’s sister) wrote on Instagram: “One of the Quintet leaves. Will miss you, Rima Jain. Will soon be on the same flight back.”
Take a look at Neetu Kapoor’s picture below:
Rishi Kapoor moved to the United States for his treatment last year but the exact nature of his ailment has not been revealed by Rishi Kapoor and his relatives. Speaking about his health, Rishi Kapoor had earlier told Bollywood Hungama, “My treatment is on. Hopefully, I will recover soon and God willing, I will return. The procedure is long and tedious and one needs immense patience which unfortunately is not one of my virtues.”
According to, Rishi Kapoor is recovering well and likely to return to Mumbai in the next few days. The source confirmed her WhatsApp chat with Rishi and said, “We spoke on WhatsApp. And yes, you are right. He did say about coming back soon.”Â
Also Read: ‘True Superstar’ Aamir Khan visits Rishi Kapoor in New York
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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