Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh along with Pulkit Samrat were spotted in Novotel hotel in Juhu. The duo were promoting their upcoming comedy caper Bangistaan. During an interaction with the media Riteish spoke about Salman Khan’s controversial tweet on Yakub Memon. The Bangistaan actor supported the Dabangg Khan on his views regarding the hanging of Yakub Memon.
Salman Khan was recently criticized for tweeting in support of Yakub Memon, a Mumbai bomb blast convict. Salman Khan had tweeted Tiger Memon should be hung rather than hanging Yakub. The BJP and Shiv Sena were baying for the actors blood. They even wanted Salman Khan’s bail to be cut short. Later on his father’s say so the actor removed the tweet and also apologized for the misunderstanding.
Salman Khan tweeted,
I would like to unconditionally apologise for any misunderstanding I may have created unintentionally.
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) July 26, 2015
Ritesih Deshmukh stands by Salman Khan and believes that the actor’s words were taken in the wrong sense.
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