Ritesh Sidhwani is one of the most celebrated producers in Bollywood and has produced exemplary films like ‘Gully Boy’ and ‘Don’ among others. He recently expressed his sentiments over how a WhatsApp message is the easiest source of spreading fake news and how his niece is safe from the Coronavirus scare.
Ritesh in his recent Instagram post shed light on the fact that there is no need to stigmatize patients who are testing positive for the novel coronavirus. In his post, he has also thanked the local authorities and the hospital staff, who helped him in getting his niece tested for coronavirus.
He also clarified that his London return niece has tested negative. The producer wrote, “Have been absolutely disgusted with forwards about my niece back from London, having tested positive in #CoronaVirus test! Bad news for #WhatsappMedicalCentre but a piece of very good news for our family indeed that her reports are negative & I trust @mybmc reports a lot more!”.
Take a look at his entire post below:
Truly, technology has made our lives easier when it comes to connecting with our loved ones but on the other side, it can also be used as a way of spreading fake news, particularly at a time when information is the most sensitive and important to not create panic.
This is also proof of how we shouldn’t believe everything that comes our way. The pandemic has already brought the world to almost a standstill. And we are glad that this his niece is healthy and safe.
Also Read: ‘Mirzapur’ Season 2: Ritesh Sidhwani gives us the first glimpse and it’s breaking the internet
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