Filmmaker Rohit Shetty is currently basking in the success of Sooryavanshi that hit the theatres recently. It stars Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif in lead roles while Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh in extended cameos. The cop drama is also doing a good business at the box office. Well, at the end Sooryavanshi, Rohit Shetty hinted at the third installment of his popular Singham franchise, starring Ajay Devgn in the lead role. This has left his fans excited and they are eager to know when the film is releasing.
In a recent exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, we asked Rohit about the updates of Singham 3, to which he said, “It is two years from now. Ajay has to finish so many films. We have to complete and release Cirkus and then we start Singham. It is not going to happen now as Ajay has Maidaan, May Day, and so many other films.”
He also opened on the rumours of Singham 3 based on Article 370. When asked that if he wanted to cast Shah Rukh Khan in Cirkus, Rohit said, “Maine suna hai ki Singham Article 370 pe hai jo mujhe hi nahi malum hai so when the film is successful, something is to be written toh log likh dete hai. Aisa kabhi nahi tha that we were planning because if we were planning then we would have made that. Uske jagah humne Chennai Express bana di thi and this is not the same script, this is like totally different, there’s a lot of special effects, it is a fantasy world what we are making.”
You can watch the full interview here.
Singham was released in 2011 and it received an overwhelming response. The sequel Singham Returns that released in 2014 was also a blockbuster.