After teasing the fans with the teaser, the makers of ‘Saand Ki Aankh’ have finally released the trailer. Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pennekar are playing sharpshooters – Chandro Tomar and her sister-in-law Prakashi Tomar. The trailer starts with filmmaker Prakash Jha who is apparently a senior of the house who says that guns look good in the hands of men and not women. Viineet Kumar is playing the trainer of Chandro and Prakashi Tomar. It shows the struggles they face to become sharpshooters and how they achieve victory.
If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, watch it here.
The movie is set in the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh. It is totally based on the life of the world’s oldest sharpshooters – Chandro and Prakashi. While Taapsee will essay the role of Prakashi, Bhumi portrays the role of Chandro. Taapsee and Bhumi have very well adapted the dialect of the region. Though the prosthetics are not looking up to the mark but going by the trailer we can say that both the actors have done a great job by getting into the skin of the characters.
The film has been produced by Reliance Entertainment, Anurag Kashyap and Nidhi Parmar and being directed by Tushar Hiranandani. ‘Saand Ki Aankh’ is slated to hit the screens on October 25.
For more updates on the movie, stay tuned to our space.
Also Read: ‘Saand Ki Aankh’ Teaser: Taapsee Pannu-Bhumi Pednekar as sharpshooters will take your breath away