After treating the audience with the quirky posters, the makers of ‘Sab Kushal Mangal’ have released its trailer online. The movie is set on the backdrop of a small town in Jharkhand. It shows Riva Kishan’s parents searching for a suitable groom. Priyaank Sharma is a TV presenter for a news channel. Both fall in love and then comes Akshaye Khanna who plays the villain. Akshaye apparently plays a goon who tries to win Riva and even threatens Priyaank and warns him to stay away from Riva.
Watch the funny trailer here.
This movie marks the Bollywood debut of Priyaank Sharma (Padmini Kolhapure’s son) and Riva Kishan (Ravi Kishan’s daughter).
The movie also stars Satish Kaushik, Supriya Pathak, Yuvika Chaudhary, Mrunal Jain, and Apurva Nemlekar among others. The movie is directed by Karan Vishwanath Kashyap and it is his debut movie as a director. Presented by Nitin Manmohan’s One Up Entertainment, Akshaye Khanna and Abhishek Jagdish Jaiswal, Prachi Nitin Manmohan has produced it. It is slated to hit the screens on January 3, 2020.
What do you have to say about the trailer? Do let us know and for more updates on the movie, stay tuned to our space.