sachiin joshi non payment dues employees
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The outbreak of Coronavirus has disrupted everyone’s lives. Several Bollywood celebs have come out pledging their financial support to the nation’s fight against Coronavirus. One of them is actor-businessman Sachiin Joshi who not only offered his hotel as a quarantine facility but also donated crores.

However, the latest reports suggest that several former employees of Joshi’s ‘Viiking Ventures’ have claimed that while the actor has money for charity he hasn’t cleared their pending dues.


As per a report in Mid-Day, Taskeen Naik, who formerly worked as social media head and public relations officer at ‘Viiking Ventures’, has accused the actor of not clearing her dues despite her resignation in May 2019. Taskeen told the daily that she tried to reach out to the actor, but he blocked her number.

Naik even took to her Facebook account and wrote, “I do not know when my dues will be clear but I do not want anyone to suffer like all of us. It is not limited to hard-earned money of employees but now the objective is a violation of morales and ethics. People in need of fame spill money in charity and leave their employees unpaid. Charity begins at home(sic).”

The report further stated that salaries (which amounts to around Rs. 31 lakhs) of around 30 former employees of Viiking Ventures have not been cleared yet. Another former employee Krishna Choudhary was quoted saying, “I tendered my resignation in June(2019), and have since been pursuing the HR to clear my four months’ salary. While my pleas fell on deaf ears, the department sent an e-mail last December citing lack of funds as the reason for delayed payments. How does the company have money for charity, but not to pay our pending salaries?”

However, the actor has an altogether different take on these accusations.

Addressing the issue, Sachiin’s spokesperson issued a statement that read, “We hired a particular CEO [now no longer with us] who undertook unlawful practices and fraud, with a bunch of employees. All those people working with the said CEO are now under scrutiny and their payments are being held. The procedure should be completed by end of June 2020. Those who are given a clean chit will get their rightful dues, and the management will take legal action against those found guilty.”

Whereas the actor told, “Our company has zero tolerance for economic offences. Those found culpable will be duly dealt with. Those trying to extort money by taking fake sob stories to the media won’t get anywhere.”

Now, in response to Sachiin’s accusations, Taskeen issued a statement that read, “Mr Sachiin Joshi is putting lame reasons for non-payment by saying that we have done financial damage to his company by joining hands with one of the ex CEO. But it is 100% false as a majority of us never even worked with the CEO which he is referring to and few of us who worked with him, never practised any such activity and even Sachiin Joshi does not have any proof but saying it just to buy time.”

For more update on this story, stay tuned.

Also Read: Sachiin Joshi accuses Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra of cheating in ‘gold scam’; the latter responds to the accusation