Some people possess the extraordinary ability to stir a religious debate amid almost any situation. Something similar happened when actor Sahil Khan took to Instagram and posted a photo of himself joining hands before Lord Ganesha, on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Sahil, who happens to be a Muslim, was trolled for worshipping a Hindu god.
A debate soon started wherein people from both religions participated. Many of them virtually slammed the actor for making gesture towards a religion that he doesn’t follow. However, what elated us was, there were many in favour of harmony as well! (Also Read: Is Sahil Khan hinting ‘Style 3’ on cards with Sharman Joshi through this Facebook post?)
Soon, the actor decided to take over. He even received troll messages on his Instagram inbox, asking him about his religion. He soon made another post condemning acts of spreading hatred. “This Post Is For Those Dumb Fucks Who Try To play with Me The religious Games….#GetWellSoon,” he wrote.
Hmm…! Not the first time that an actor is being targeted this way. But what often amuses us is how people choose to see one’s spiritual dedication as a tribute to one specific religion and not to the universal god. However, amid everything, there are people who still stand for unity and collectively condemn efforts and speeches of hatred.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.