‘Dil Bechara’ actor Sahil Vaid is currently gearing up for his upcoming release ‘Coolie No. 1’ that has Varun Dhawan and Sara Ali Khan in the lead roles. We recently had a video interview with Sahil where he spoke about the film, working with Sushant, his theatre journey and more.
When asked how Sushant as a co-actor helped him, Sahil said, “We both had the same kind of thought process. He was very intelligent and famous. If you ask some of my friends who are very close to me they would tell you that I talk about things in a very different light. Sushant and me, we both enlightened each other in various aspects of technology and how technology can be utilised to make life easier on this planet.” Sahil added, “He (Sushant) said that as Indians we are very slow learner and we need to learn things faster.”
You can watch the interview here.
Sahil worked with Sushant in ‘Dil Bechara’ where he played latter’s friend. It was Sushant’s last film.
Talking about ‘Coolie No. 1’, Sahil said that it happened to him out of the blue. He was shooting for ‘Dil Bechara’ when he got a call from David Dhawan. Sahil feels great to be working with stalwarts like Jaaved Jaaferi, Paresh Rawal and others. He plays Varun’s best friend in the film.
Stay tuned for more such updates.
Also Read: Sahil Vaid on ‘Dil Bechara’: The beauty about the film is that that there are honest performances