On Thursday, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan in Bandra. During the robbery, Saif sustained six stab injuries while trying to keep his kids – Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir (Jeh) Ali Khan safe. Well, know a new report has surfaced stating that a suspect in the stabbing case has been detained by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh. Read on for details.
RPF detains suspect in Saif Ali Khan attack case
As per media reports, a 31-year-old man suspected of stabbing Saif Ali Khan has been detained by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Durg railway station in Chhattisgarh. The suspect, identified as Aakash Kailash Kannojia, was travelling aboard the Jnaneshwari Express. For the unverse, the train operates between Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) and Kolkata Shalimar.
As per reports, the RPF received information at around 12.30pm from Mumbai Police that Kannojia was traveling on Jnaneshwari Express (Train No. 12101). The Mumbai Police shared his mobile phone tower location and a photograph to aid in identification. Acting on the tip-off, the RPF immediately alerted their counterparts at Rajnandgaon station, which lies on the Mumbai-Howrah route before Durg. However, when the suspect could not be located there, two teams were subsequently deployed at Durg railway station.
After confirming his identity through the photograph provided by the Mumbai Police, the suspect was detained and taken to the RPF Post in Durg. Mumbai Police have been notified and are expected to reach Raipur by flight and then travel to Durg to take custody of the suspect for further investigation.
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