Kareena Kapoor Khan will be doing a special number in Saif’s next. She’s been in Los Angeles for the schedule of director duo Raj and Krishna’s ‘Happy Ending’, which features husband Saif Ali Khan and Ileana D’cruz in the lead roles. The makers are keen to film a dance number with the husband-wife duo.
As per sources, “Earlier she was to do a cameo in the movie and Kareena has already shot for her part, which is quite crucial to the movie. Now, a dance number is in the pipeline. The song hasn’t been confirmed, but it definitely is a possibility. The makers are already working out the logistics and Bosco has been roped in to choreograph the moves. The actress will squeeze some time off from her busy schedule to shoot for the song.”
Well it will be interesting to see the sizzling chemistry between the husband-wife duo onscreen after a long time.