Back in June, Saif Ali Khan had stepped out for a stroll on the Marine Drive with wife Kareena Kapoor and son Taimur Ali Khan. But, they were seen sans mask. After which, they were brutally trolled by netizens for not abiding by the law amidst this Covid-19 pandemic. Recently Saif cleared the air about why his family was seen without a mask.
In an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Saif said, “That was the only time we went out and took Tim along because he’d been locked in for around three months. We had our masks on, but the promenade looked so deserted, so we took them off. But as soon as we saw that there were people around and were told children were not allowed out, we put on our masks and drove away. That was not reported, but it’s a fact that we have been responsible, law-abiding citizens and stayed home all through the lockdown and even now, only interact with a few family members.”
Saif also opened up about his daughter Sara Ali Khan’s driver testing positive for Covid-19. “It is. Anyone can get infected, so the stigma that has come to be attached to it doesn’t make sense. Medical costs are astronomical, so it’s important to stay home and safe,” he said.
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