Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s little one, Taimur Ali Khan, also paparazzi ka pyaara, is adored by many. Unlike the other Bollywood celebrities who act pricey in front of the cameras, there is this cute patootie who loves striking a pose for the paparazzi. From the moment he stepped on this planet, our life has become blissful, no wonder the kiddo has n number of fan clubs on Instagram. While we are blessed enough to have a glimpse of the kiddo now and then, for Taimur, watching his daddy brightens up his day.
Sharing a similar instance of Taimur’s reaction when Saif enters the house after a long day, a source close to DNA, said, “When Saif is away, Taimur misses him like crazy. And when he knows his father has entered the house, he beams like a 1000-watt bulb and goes running in the direction of his father.”
We are just imagining the glow on munchkin Taimur’s face, right now! (jk)
Talking about Saif Ali Khan’s work front, the actor is currently riding high on the success of his first ever web series ‘Sacred Games’ featuring Nawazzudin Siddiqui. Besides the web series, the ‘Cocktail’ actor has Nikhil Advani’s ‘Bazaar’ and ‘Hunter’ lined up.
Also Read: Kareena and Taimur have stopped kissing Saif Ali Khan