The Me Too movement has opened the cupboards of skeletons and to our surprise, many big names from the industry have been included in the list of alleged sexual predators. Alok Nath, Subhash Ghai, Rajat Kapoor, Vikas Bahl and Sajid Khan are among those who were accused of harassment. Talking about filmmaker Sajid Khan, he was accused by multiple women of sexual misconduct.
This movement is backed by not only celebrities but many other associations who came forward to take action. One of them is Indian Film & Television Directors’ Association (IFTDA). Post the allegations levelled against Sajid Khan, the association sent a notice to him seeking an explanation of the complaints against him.
Sajid has replied to IFTDA and denied all the allegations against him. As per a report in Bombay Times, Sajid replied, “I apologise to IFTDA if any embarrassment has been caused to the association by the alleged accusation against me. These allegations have not only caused irreparable harm to my career but more importantly, grieved my mother and sister immensely. At the outset, I deny the complaints levelled against me as stated in your notice. I humbly request you to not to form any one-sided judgement. I am always happy to extend any cooperation to my association.”
Now a meeting has been scheduled by IFTDA on November 1 with Sajid Khan and Internal Complaints Council. They have issued a statement for inviting Sajid for the meeting, “We have scheduled a meeting of IFTDA ICC on Thursday, November 1 at IFTDA office to hear you for the POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Act enquiry, which is based on the principle of natural justice and the alleged harasser is provided an opportunity before any disciplinary action is taken. Therefore, attend the meeting as scheduled.”
Now let’s see whether Sajid will attend the meeting or not. Till then keep reading our space.
Also Read: Watch: Sajid Khan boasting about mistreating women in this viral video