Salman Khan’s brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, who is all set to make his Bollywood debut with ‘Loveratri’ featuring Warina Hussain, states that the best advice he has ever received for acting is from his father-in-law and veteran actor Salim Khan.
Talking to the leading daily DNA, Sharma said he met Salim uncle the day before he commenced the shoot of his debut film which is backed by Salman Khan Films. He said, “Salim uncle quoted legendary American actor and film director Marlon Brando and advised me to ‘act like I am already successful’ and that I should not try too hard to prove anyone that I know to act but to be true to myself. He told me that the confidence I possess of being successful will reflect on the screen and the audience will understand.”
Aayush is truly blessed to have the legendary actor and his family by his side.
Coming to his debut movie ‘Loveratri’, it is being directed by Abhiraj Minawal and the plot of the film is set in Gujarat, against the backdrop of Navratri. Along with Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain, the film also marks the debut of Abhiraj Minawala as the director.
‘Loveratri’, produced by Salman Khan under his production house Salman Khan Films, the film will hit the silver screens on October 5, 2018.
Also Read: A sneak peek into the biggest trailer launch event of ‘Loveratri’