Aayush Sharma’s debut film ‘Loveratri’ trailer launch was filled with fun moments, interesting revelations by Sharma’ brother-in-law Salman Khan, and the sizzling chemistry between the lead pair of the film. Along with Aayush Sharma, Salman Khan and Warina Hussain, also present at the event were Arpita Khan Sharma with son Ahil and Sohail Khan.
Amidst all the hustle and bustle at the trailer launch, what caught our attention was the cute camaraderie between mamu Salman Khan and bhanja Ahil. Being the coolest and best uncle that he is, the ‘Dabangg’ actor danced his hearts out with the little one to a song from ‘Loveratri’. Watching Khan dance with Ahil brought a big smile on our faces and it will surely make you go aww too.
Check out the video here:
Not only the dance, but Arpita’s munchkin imitating his uncle Salman Khan also left us in splits.
Have a look at it here:
We are in awe with this uncle-nephew duo. We hope the two give us more such moments to be happy about. What do you feel about the cute moments between Ahil and Salman?
Do let us know in the comments section below.
Also Read: ‘Loveratri’ Trailer Launch: Salman, Arpita, Sohail cheer for Aayush and Warina