It’s been a few days, that filmmaker Kabir Khan had shared a selfie with Salman Khan and the crew members of his film ‘Tubelight‘ describing the schedule of Ladakh as one of the toughest, but also the most spectacular for him. Much elated and happy, the ‘Phantom’ director has now wrapped up the first schedule in Ladakh, a day before scheduled.
To celebrate this happy occasion, Kabir Khan, and his team had their lunch by a river. Kabir even took to his Twitter account to share a picture of him and Salman Khan from their outing. He posted:
We wrapped a day before schedule. So today all of us went biking and had lunch next to a river #Tubelight
— Kabir Khan (@kabirkhankk) 13 August 2016
The shooting for this movie had commenced on July 28, with a crew comprising of 200 people. Much happy on this completion, one more picture was added in this ‘Tubelight’ diaries by Kabir Khan with his efficient crew members.
Team #Tubelight… End of Ladakh schedule. Jumping at 13000 feet above sea level ?
— Kabir Khan (@kabirkhankk) 14 August 2016
‘Tubelight’ stars Chinese actress Zhu Zhu opposite Salman Khan and is slated to hit the screens during the festive time of Eid in 2017.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s next after ‘Tubelight’ will be ‘Ek Tha Tiger’s sequel?
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.