Superstar Salman Khan has arrived in Jodhpur to record his statement in court regarding the Arms Act case against him in connection to the illegal hunting of black bucks a protected species. The Dabangg Khan after being exempted from appearing in court till now had been summoned by the Cheif Judical Magistrate. The actor is accused of hunting and killing the endangered deer while shooting his film ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ in Rajasthan in 1998.
As per sources, fresh charges were framed against Sallu, in March last year after first the Rajasthan High Court and then the Supreme Court ruled that Section 148 of the Arms Act, or rioting with deadly weapons, could not be applied to him. In November last year, the Rajasthan High Court ordered that Salman Khan’s poaching conviction be suspended for visa purposes to make it easier for the actor, who had been denied an UK visa to shoot his film Kick, to travel abroad.
Salman Khan’s co stars of ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ – Saif Ali Khan, Tabu, Sonali Bendre and Neelam – are charged with inciting the actor to hunt.