Superstar Salman Khan today appeared in a Mumbai court in connection with the Hit & Run Case. On September 2002, Mr .Khan was allegedly driving a Toyota Land Cruiser that ran over a group of people sleeping on the pavement outside a bakery in suburban Bandra. One person was killed and four others were injured in the accident. Khan had come to the court and filed an application stating he wouldn’t be available on April 8 which is the date the retrial had been adjourned to.
According to sources, the court was informed by Investigating Officer Rajendra Kane, that as the police were deployed on election duty they were not prepared to go ahead with the trial. So the court ordered the trial to be postponed to April 28 for the prosecution had sought time to produce witnesses. This is the second occasion when the fresh trial has not begun.
On March 26, three witnesses failed to turn up as they were either not available or untraceable.
Sources further added that, Sessions Judge D W Deshpande asked the prosecution to produce on April 28 the first witness who was injured in the mishap in which the actor was involved, followed by eye witnesses in May.