Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has stepped forward to help a girl from India stranded in Pakistan for the last 15 years. Geeta is a mute and deaf girl from India, in 2003 she was spotted by the Pakistan Rangers in Lahore after she strayed across the border. She was only 11 years old then. Salman Khan has asked his film Bairangi Bhaijaan’s director to look into the matter and help the young girl back home.
It is all thanks to a real life Bajrangi Bhaijaan from Pakistan Ansar Burney, a leading Pakistani human rights activist, who had appealed to the Khan that he should do something for Geeta, as he had done it in his film Bajrangi Bhaijaan. Ansar requested Salman Khan and Kabir Khan to locate the girls family in India.
Now the government and Salman Khan along with Kabir Khan are making sure that Geeta is reunited with her family. The Indian envoy in Pakistan on Tuesday met the hearing and speech-impaired Indian woman who has been stranded in the neighboring country for the past 15 years.
Ansar Burney tweeted his thanks,
Salman Khan offers to help Geeta. Asks director Kabir Khan to find out how he can help Geeta meet her family @SushmaSwaraj @MehrTarar
— Ansar Burney (@AnsarBurney) August 4, 2015
The director of “Bajrangi Bhaijaan”, Kabir Khan, in an mail to Burney said he would try to help in whatever way he can.
#BajrangiBhaijan director @kabirkhankk assures @AnsarBurney of his support. @BeingSalmanKhan
— ARY News (@ARYNEWSOFFICIAL) August 4, 2015
He also wrote earlier, “Dear Dr TCA Raghavan thanks for coming to Karachi and to meet Geeta alias Guddy @SushmaSwaraj @MEAIndia.”
In a post on Twitter on Monday, Sushma Swaraj said: I have asked Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan Dr TCA Raghavan to go to Karachi with Mrs Raghavan and meet this girl. The girl was handed over to the Edhi Foundation, a social welfare organisation in Pakistan.
We salute the man Ansar Burney for taking up such a task and fulfilling it to the end.