After 13 long years, Salman Khan could finally breathe a sigh of relief as the Bombay High Court acquitted him from all the charges charged against the superstar in his 2003’s Hit And Run Case. A case which got dragged for 13 years came to a positive end with Court saying that Salman Khan has not killed anyone and is free from all the charges. This was a very emotional moment for Mr. Khan, who was patiently waiting in the witness box for the judge to read his verdict, says the source.
After the judge passed his judgement Salman reportedly broke down in the court and that’s when his bodyguard Shera came running to him, to hide the star from being caught crying. Shera asked the star to turn around and face the wall while he secretly wept in the court, says the reports. After the announcement of the verdict Salman spent three hours in the courtroom finishing the paperwork and the documentation. She was supposedly calm and quite till the entire process came to an end.
Later, Salman also thanked his family members and lawyers for supporting him. Salman’s sister Alvira and Arpita’s husband Ayush Sharma had accompanied him to the court. It’s a huge victory for the lawyers too who fought on behalf of Salman.
Later, Salman posted a relieving tweet wherein he thanked everyone for the support. He posted, “I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers.”
I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers .
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) December 10, 2015
Well, this surely calls for some celebration for Salman.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.
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