Superstar Salman Khan who had been to Jodhpur court for his Black Buck case, had come prepared to plead innocence in the high court there. Sallu had never thought that he will have to prove his identity there, but the chief judicial magistrate managed to surprise him by asking whether this is truly Salman Khan?
According to sources, Salman as well as his fans present on the court premises were taken aback by the magistrate’s question, “Is this Salman Khan? Check and verify his identification,” said the magistrate after which the public prosecutor verified the records and replied in the affirmative but CJM Chandra Kala Jain had insisted on going by the documents.
Wednesday’s proceedings were particularly under the Arms Act on the aspect of illegal arms while the poaching case under the Wildlife Protection Act is going on separately in the same court. The next hearing of the poaching case is due on February 14.