Salman Khan outside court

Salman Khan became a free bird when the Bombay High Court cleared all the charges levied upon him in his 2002’s Hit and Run Case. After 13 long years, Salman was finally acquitted of all the charges including that of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Following this, everyone felt that his problems have now come to an end. But, unfortunately, this case still continues as the Maharashtra Government has challenged the-the High Court’s decision in Supreme Court.


According to the law, any judgement passed by lower courts could be challenged in Supreme Court and now Salman’s ‘Hit & Run’ case has reached the apex court of the court. A few days ago, there were reports which suggested that the state Government has filed an appeal in the Supreme Court to reconsider the worth of the Bombay High Court’s verdict. Following this, we have now learnt that Salman Khan has filed a caveat in the Supreme Court requesting the court to hear him first before ordering or passing judgement over Maharashtra Government’s plea. Salman’s lawyer has filed a Caveat in the Supreme Court wherein Salman has stated, “I must be heard before the court gives order.”

Salman Khan’s car rammed into a Pavement in Bandra in the year 2002. This fatal accident killed one person and injured many. Following this incident, a case has been going on against the star for driving his luxurious car under the influence of the alcohol. The session court had then punished him with five-year imprisonment but the Bombay High Court later dismissed his jail term and acquitted him from all the charges.

Now, let’s see what the Supreme Court’s verdict would be.





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