On Sunday, April 14, two men opened fire on Salman Khan’s Galaxy Apartments house. Within days, the Mumbai Police arrested the accused shooters – Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, as well as two alleged arms suppliers – Sonu Subhash Chander and Anuj Thapan. As per the latest reports coming in, one of the men who supplied the weapons for the attack – Anuj Thapan, died after attempting suicide today while in police custody.
Thapan and Sonu Subhash Chander were arrested by the Mumbai Police on April 25 from Punjab. Read on to know the details shared. All the four accused are known to be directly or indirectly connected with jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. As of now, the remaining accused are still in police custody.
Arms supplier in Salman Khan house firing case dies by suicide
As reported by NDTV, 32-year-old Anuj Thapan, who was arrested from Punjab on April 26, passed away this morning after attempting to end his life. Sources say he went to a toilet attached to the police lock-up at 11 am and took the extreme step there. He reportedly shared the cell – which was reportedly guarded by 4-5 policemen, with 10 other inmates.
A ToI report further stated that the accused was rushed to St George Hospital for emergency medical treatment. Officials confirmed he died while undergoing treatment at the hospital. Sources say an investigation is underway to determine what drove Anuj Thapan to suicide.
Former Maharashtra senior police officer PK Jain told NDTV that such deaths are reported as a murder case. They quoted him saying, “All the policemen in the police station will be questioned by the CID (Criminal Investigation Department).”
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