A Jodhpur court on Thursday convicted Bollywood actor Salman Khan for five years in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. A penalty of Rs 10,000 has also been levied on him. Earlier in the day, other accused in the case – Tabu, Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam were acquitted, while the ‘Sultan’ star was held in the court.
However, call the star’s bad luck or his not so good fate, Salman will spend a night behind the bars. And further if he does not get a bail tommorrow, he might spend three days in a row inside the jail. Further as per a media report, actor Salman has been currently lodged in barrack number 2 and has been given cell number 106.
The information further states that Salman will be given the jail uniform tomorrow and multiple-layer security is already placed outside his ward. As far as the case goes, for those unaware, on one fine evening in 1998, post the wrap up of the shoot of their movie ‘Hum Saath – Saath Hain’, Salman, Saif, Sonali, Neelam and Tabu went for some hunting as a recreation, where they ended up killing the endangered specie of a blackbuck. And the case has been on since then. (Also Read: Blackbuck Poaching Case Verdict: Salman Khan’s lawyer issues a statement)
For updates on the same, stay glued!
Moody, sarcastic, narcissist, quirky, a complete gossip bitch and also a SRKian, Rushabh wants to break the stereotypes within the society through his writing. Also, OUT and PROUD of his rainbow colours, his life just revolves around everything fashionable and Bollywood.