Superstar Salman Khan will have Armaan Kohli to play his second brother in Sooraj Barjatya’s next, which is expected to roll in June. This is Armaan’s second innings after a gap of 11 years. Well it was truly a surprising turn of events as the  two were not best of friends during the Seventh season of ‘Bigg Boss’. But after the grand finale, Salman invited Armaan and his ladylove Tanishaa on his birthday to his farmhouse in Panvel.
According to sources, well thanks to the reconciliation, Armaan is now in advanced talks to star in Sooraj’s family drama. Salman plays a double role in the film but the two characters are not related by blood. Sooraj Barjaya’s next is a story that revolves around three brothers and Neil Nitin Mukesh rounds off the trio.
While not much is known about Armaan’s role yet, Neil Nitin Mukesh’s part will have shades of grey.