Bollywood’s ultimate superstar Salman Khan has got a knack to spot talent. The 53-year-old actor is one of the most commercially successful actors in the history of Hindi cinema. Now, the ‘Dabangg’ actor has discovered two new actors in Zaheer Iqbal and Nutan’s granddaughter, Pranutan. They are all set to make their debut with Salman’s production ‘Notebook’. For the promotional interviews, Salman Khan has been accompanying Pranutan and Zaheer for a few days.
Salman Khan’s upcoming production ‘Notebook’ will see two debutantes in Zaheer and Pranutan.
During a recent interview, Salman talked about launching star kids and his one wish for them. The ‘Sultan’ actor, in an interview with Bombay Times, explained the rationale for launching new faces and said, “Yes, and I will continue to back more kids for as long as I can. Why? Because I was also launched at some point and I think the industry can do with some more fresh talent.”
He further added, “While I’m still figuring what happens with Shera (his bodyguard) ka beta, Tiger, I actually want all these boys to work together in a super dhamaal film, the kind that I have done in my past.”
Salman also reiterated that he gives chances to youngsters after seeing their dedication and honesty. He gave examples of Aayush Sharma, Zaheer Iqbal and Suraj Pancholi.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman is awaiting his next release ‘Bharat’. This larger than life extravaganza also stars Katrina Kaif and is being directed by Ali Abbas Zafar.
Also Read: ‘Bharat’: Jackie Shroff opens up on playing Salman Khan’s father in the period drama
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