Comedian Kapil Sharma of the most popular television show ‘Comedy Nights with Kapil’, has irked the organizers of the popular CCL 4, Â after he refused to host CCL 4, at the last minute. Seems like Kapil has grown too big for his boots, maybe that is the reason that he has unknowingly taken a ‘Panga’ with Bollywood’s Dabangg Khan.
According to sources, Kapil Sharma was given around 1.25 crores to co- host the match with Mandira Bedi. Kapil was apparently supposed to start rehearsing with Mandira, by noon, but showed up a good two hours late, leaving no time for rehearsal. Kapil’s team started making a lot of demands such as a vanity van and many other things, and after the organisers offered him an AC room, he plain refused. He eventually walked out, leaving no time for the organisers to recover.