On December 27, Salman Khan’s sister Arpita gave birth to a baby girl. Arpita and Aayush Sharma named their little angel ‘Ayat’. December 27 that also happens to be Salman’s birthday is double celebrations for the entire Khan family. On his 54th birthday, Salman interacted with the media and while talking about how he started his day in the morning Salman said, “I woke and checked my phone and saw the picture of Ayat nothing could have been a better gift than this to our family.”
He also said that from next year onward, December 27 will no longer be his day as he will be sharing his birthday with his niece. When asked how it feels to become mama (maternal uncle) once again, the ‘Dabangg 3’ actor said, “Abhi hogaya Mama ka, Chacha ka, ab Baap banne ka hain bas.”
Watch the video here.
Salman also took to his Twitter handle to welcome his niece. He tweeted, “Welcome to this beautiful world Ayat. Thank u Arpita n Ayush for the best birthday gift for the whole family.”
Read his full tweet here.
Welcome to this beautiful world Ayat. Thank u Arpita n Ayush for the best birthday gift for the whole family. May everyone who reads this bless her n may she grow up n make everyone proud. Thank u for all the love n respect. You all have been very kind, thank u thank u thank u!
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) December 27, 2019
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Also Read: 30 Years Of Salman Khan: Dabangg Khan’s biggest competition is he, himself!