Superstar Salman Khan watched actor Ritesih Deshmukh’s Marathi Production “Yellow” recently. The movie deals with children with special needs and learning differences. Sallu was with his friend Govinda at the special screening held for friends and family. It seems the Dabangg Khan is so touched with the film that he is now keen to remake it in Hindi.
According to sources, Salman Khan said, “We are speaking to Riteish (Deshmukh) to make this film in Hindi. Salman added that he will have film’s director Mahesh Limaye on board for the Hindi remake and will also have Gauri Gadgil – on whom “Yellow” is based – in the film.
His friend and colleague Riteish Deshmukh, whose Marathi production- ‘Yellow’- slated to release on 4th April, took to Twitter to thank the ‘Dabangg’ actor for his support. Salman Khan has always been there for his friends, here too he wore a yellow T-Shirt to promote the film.
Check out the trailer of Yellow here :