Property owned by Bollywood star Salman Khan in Mumbai’s Khar area has come under the scanner of Green activists. According to a report in Times Now, the mentioned building has been rented out to a retail food company by Salman Khan and they have requested to chop off a tree as they claim that the tree poses a serious threat for emergency vehicles such as ambulance and fire engines.
The green activists have moved to Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) and requested them to quash their demand of cutting a tree. They also claimed that the mentioned tree does not pose any threat and hence should not be given permission to be chopped down. The BMC is likely to announce its verdict in a week.
On the other hand, according to a report in Bollywood Hungama, the green activists have asserted that the tree has been asked to cut down because it obstructs the view of the building.
Activists have asserted that the tree doesn’t obstruct day-to-day movements of pedestrians and vehicles. They accused BMC of helping the authorities to chop down the tree unnecessarily.
According to the report, when the property was under construction, BMC had given a green signal to go ahead with the construction with no mention of the tree. The owners of the building have also promised that once the tree is chopped down, they will transplant it elsewhere.
Salman Khan, who is busy shooting for the last schedule of ‘Bharat’ alongside Katrina Kaif, has not responded to the complaint as of now. The movie will be released this Eid.
Also Read: After ‘Bharat’ Salman Khan to remake another Korean blockbuster ‘Veteran’
Omair Iqbal is a journalist who loves to discover new things on the internet. He is an enthusiastic movie lover.
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