Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan have been going through tough times of their lives as their elder son Aryan Khan has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in a drugs seizure case. Aryan is currently in Arthur Road jail as his bail has been denied. Tomorrow i.e on October 13, the court will hear his bail plea hearing once again. Ahead of it, Salman Khan along with his father Salim Khan has visited SRK’s house Mannat.
A video and pics of both Salman and Salim Khan arriving at Mannat have gone viral on social media.
On October 3 night, hours after Aryan Khan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau and sent to one day custody, Salman visited Shah Rukh at his residence.
For the unversed, the NCB busted a party onboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast and detained Aryan and seven others, including two women. The raid was led by NCB’s zonal director Sameer Wankhede on Saturday evening based on a tip-off that a party was scheduled onboard. They seized 13 grams of cocaine, five grams of MD, 21 grams of charas and 22 pills of Ecstasy and ₹1.33 lakh.
Aryan has been booked under sections 27 (punishment for consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance), 8C (produce, manufacture, possess, sell or purchase of drugs) and other relevant provisions of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS).
Meanwhile, as per a report in Bollywood Life, Aryan’s arrest has left Shah Rukh “feeling helpless and broken”.
The report quoted a close friend of the the actor saying that SRK is “suffering from grief and anger. He is not sleeping and eating much and is just broken like a helpless father.”
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