Today, Salman Khan launched the trailer of his niece Alizeh Agnihotri starrer Farrey. She is going to make her big Bollywood debut with Farrey which is going to be bankrolled under Salman Khan Films. During the trailer launch of Farrey, Salman was asked a very interesting question on the difference between the younger generation and the older generation in terms of making movies.
Salman Khan on what newer generations are not understanding
When asked Salman Khan what the older generation that the younger generation doesn’t understand or is not able to match up with you guys? Salman said, “I think the kind of films we are making are going off. The rest of the people should make Hindustani films. And it’s the wrong time to launch because the way films are going is wrong. There was Salman Khan who was launched in Maine Pyaar Kiya and was a newcomer. Then there’s Aamir Khan who was launched in Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. There was Shah Rukh Khan in Deewana, Ajay Devgn in Phool Aur Kaante and Akshay Kumar in Khiladi.“
Salman Khan at Farrey Trailer launch
The Dabangg actor continued, “Everyone has come up that way and now from here, depending on the destiny of the film. Her destiny will not be related to the destiny of this particular film. If the movie does a fantastic job and after that gets complacent, then the end. If it does okay, she works 10 times harder, she will come up.”
Alizeh Agnihotri on feeling the pressure as a debutante
When asked if she feels the pressure due to legacy. Alizeh said, “Of course, I feel the pressure, I’m human. It would be totally abnormal for me to not feel any pressure right now. I mean it is a very stressful situation. You have to say the right things, you have to wear the right things, it is extremely stressful but I’m very happy about it“. Salman cuts her and jokingly adds ‘welcome to the industry’. Alizeh then continued, “It is a constant back and forth of feeling a little stressed and feeling a little happy.”
Directed by Soumendra Padhi, Farrey is Alizeh Agnihotri’s first film. It also stars Sahil Mehta, Zeyn Shaw, Prasanna Bisht, Ronit Bose Roy, and Juhi Babbar Soni.
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