Superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan have set a repeat performance of their Iftar Hug at the at the Star Guild Awards held in Mumbai last night. The two of them were not on speaking terms for five years after a feud that had taken place on Katrina Kaif’s birthday bash, but last year Sallu had taken an initiative and the two had shared a hug at an Iftar party.
According to sources, Shahrukh Khan went on-stage to receive his Entertainer of the Year prize at the Star Guild Awards,where he and award host Salman shared a hug, watched by a thrilled audience. Salman is believed to have taken the lead in making small talk with SRK, even congratulating him on the success of 2013 blockbuster Chennai Express. Salman Khan then asked SRK to say “Jai Ho” and the Khan obliged him by saying Jai Ho loudly on stage.
The two of them had ended their feud of five years by sharing a hug at Baba Siddiqui’s ‘Iftar Bash’ but were not yet best of friends. Sallu had even confessed on ‘Koffee With Karan’, that he and SRK would never be friends again.
Well good of the two behaving like grown ups and leaving behind their childish feuds.