Yesterday, on the auspicious occasion of Raksha Bandhan, many Bollywood celebs posted their pictures with their adorable brothers. These moments were cherished by their fans. Salman Khan also broke the internet as he posted a picture with his bros and their sons.
Salman took to his Instagram to share a picture with all his brothers. In the picture, Salman was standing with Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan and their sons. Along with them was Atul Agnihotri and Ayush Sharma. The caption read, “Happy Raksha Bandhan! (sic).” Have a look:
Along with Salman, other Bollywood celebrities like Kareena Kapoor, Suhana Khan, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni and many more posted pictures of their sibling as they celebrated this festival.
Meanwhile, Salman is currently at his Panvel farmhouse as he is spending the quarantine there with the rest of his family and he is has been entertaining his fans with amazing pictures of himself. Salman has also been farming a lot in his spare time and he has posted videos and pictures of the same, which have been extremely inspirational.
Till then you guys stay tuned to this space for more updates, news and gossip.
Also Read: Eid Mubarak: Bhaijaan Salman Khan wishes his fans on Eid al-Adha; check out his viral post