Every year, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and his family celebrate the festival of Ganesh Chaturthi with lots of zeal and enthusiasm. Members of the family, including Salman’s father, Salman Khan, his brothers, and others were clicked attending the celebrations at designer Arpita Khan Sharma’s residence. The Khan family is known for bringing home Bappa for a day and a half every year. While this year too Ganpati will grace Arpita’s home, Salman Khan will miss the Ganesh Chaturthi festivities. Reportedly, he will not be able to be a part of the celebrations.
According to a report in ETimes, a source revealed that Salim Khan and family will welcome Lord Ganesha home. As always, the family will have Bappa bless their home for one-and-a-half days. The report mentioned that Salman Khan will not be a part of the festivities owing to his work commitments.
As per the report, the source revealed that the reason behind it is that the actor cannot break the bio-bubble he is shooting in for Tiger 3. Apart from Salman, another family member will be absent from the festivities. Nirvaan Khan, Sohail Khan’s son will not be able to be a part as he has accompanied Salman for the shoot of Tiger 3.
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Salman is currently in Turkey. He is busy shooting the film Tiger 3. The actor is clicked with fans as well. A few pictures of Salman along with his co-star Katrina Kaif have surfaced on the internet. Emraan Hashmi, who is also a part of the film is shooting in Turkey. Salman and Katrina kick-started the shooting of Tiger 3 from Russia.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty brings Lord Ganesha home, ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi; actress flaunts a big smile