Salman Khan is getting back on-screen with the third installment of ‘Race’ series. The film directed by Remo D’Souza is set to release on June 15, which is only 9 days away. Talking about Salman’s plans after this action thriller, the actor has ‘Bharat’, Dabangg 3, Bigg Boss Season 12 and the ‘Da-Bangg tour Reloaded’.

Wondering how he is going to manage these projects? Well, we are confused as you are. Until now, there was clarity about which project will he take up first after wrapping ‘Dus Ka Dum’ season 3.


But in a recent group press interview, the actor came clean on his priorities. Speaking to the media he said, “Bharat and Dabangg are going to be shot simultaneously once I am back. I am going back to the old format of shooting two films at a time.”  (Also ReadDa-Bangg Tour: Katrina Kaif plans a special surprise for her American fans)

Isn’t it a great news? Well, it definitely is, as we will be able to get a double dose of entertainment from Salman Khan every year. What do you think about Salman’s plans? Do you think he has prioritized his projects well? Do let us know your thoughts on it.

Until then, Keep watching this space as we bring you the latest scoops and updates from B-town.