Salman Khan is known to bring the house down when he sets his foot on stage and that’s exactly what happened when the actor took his ongoing Da-bangg Tour to the capital city, Delhi. On an otherwise chilly night, Delhi warmed up to Khan and his brigade that included Sonakshi Sinha, Daisy Shah and Maniesh Paul. We caught hold of a number of videos on Instagram that are a proof that the event last night was nothing less than a blockbuster.
Salman made a grand entry amidst deafening noise and cheer.
While the actor’s mid-air entry wooed everyone, host Maniesh paul didn’t leave a chance to promote Salman upcoming film ‘TigerZInda Hai’.
Khan also interacted with his select few fans who still went back in time and tried their luck at romancing the actor.
And the grand finale song where a visibly excited Salman danced to the last beat of the song ‘Selfie Le Le Re’
After entertaining his fans worldwide, we can’t wait for the Dabangg Tour to hit Mumbai soon.